For over 160 years, 博彩平台网址大全培养了许多优秀的毕业生,他们在个人和专业方面都取得了巨大的成功. 毕业典礼 ceremonies are our student's last step at Pacific, and their first into the world beyond our gates. Pacific's 毕业典礼 ceremonies are rich with history, 传统, and significance, and this section of our site can help you understand some of the colors, 符号, and artifacts associated with 毕业典礼 at Pacific.

Traditionally, 游行从毕业候选人开始,以该机构最高级别的官员结束, followed by an institutional symbol, such as the mace. 在太平洋学院,学院和学校能够建立自己的专业传统. 毕业典礼遵循传统的学术游行准则.

  • School Banner
  • Dean of (School or College) in order of founding
  • Faculty Marshals
  • Candidates for Degrees
  • 单身汉
  • 大师
  • 博士
  • Faculty beginning with instructors, lecturers, assistants, and associates
  • Professors by rank (in order of seniority, newest last)
  • Emeriti Faculty
  • Officers of the University
  • Honorary Degree Recipients
  • Members of the Presidential Party 
  • Board of Regents
  • Provost of the University
  • President of the University
  • 梅斯持票人  

Origins of the Academic Mace

Originally a weapon of offense used in medieval warfare by a king or a noble, the mace has been refined to a symbolic device used on ceremonial occasions. 的权杖, as an academic symbol, 追溯到16世纪的英国,当时伊丽莎白女王一世向牛津大学公司赠送了一个她自己的皇家权杖的复制品. 她下令在所有仪式中使用这一标志,以代表王室的存在,并赋予大学以王室徽章授予学位的权力. King Charles I made a similar gift to Cambridge University in 1625.

The University of the Pacific Mace

罗伯特E. 伯恩斯, Pacific president from 1946-1971, asked Stuart Devlin, an internationally known London silver designer, to create the University of the Pacific Mace. 它的委托是为了表彰该大学从一所学院过渡到一所大学,其中有几所学院和专业学校,以牛津和剑桥为蓝本. It was first used at a Founders Day ceremony on March 6, 1966, 它完全由银制成,头部镀有大学的镀金印章. 的权杖 is approximately four feet long and weighs 15 pounds. It was a gift from Mrs. Winifred Olson Raney, a regent of the University. 校徽在大学的所有正式活动中都会展示,通常由学术委员会主席在毕业典礼和毕业典礼上佩戴.

学校和学院的横幅标志着大学的每个学术单位在学术游行中走在一个单位的教师前面,并在各种学术仪式上展示. Each banner utilizes white print to symbolize the arts and letters, which form a basis for all academic programs of the University. 旗帜的原色象征着学校的学科,每个学校的名字下面都显示着学校成立的年份. 每张旗帜上都有大学的印章,并按照每所学院的成立顺序呈现:

College Of The Pacific

这条旗帜的金色区域象征着科学研究所创造的财富,并与字母的颜色相结合,象征着来自牛津和剑桥B的白色皮毛装饰.A. 抽油烟机. 这种艺术、文学和科学的表现形式构成了大学这个中心部门提供的文科课程的基础, founded in 1851.

University 图书馆

柠檬黄色的背景是图书馆学学科的代表. 自1851年大学成立以来,图书馆的教职员工为大学的所有学术领域提供服务. 馆藏和服务包括各种印刷、视听和电子资源. 与淘金热有关的原始论文和材料草图以及许多其他特殊收藏对来自世界各地的研究人员具有主要吸引力.

Conservatory Of Music

The pink field is the accepted color for all disciplines relating to music. The Conservatory is the oldest university affiliated conservatory in the West. It was founded in 1878.

Dugoni School Of Dentistry

The lilac colors of Dentistry form the field for this banner. 成立于1896年,学校项目有三个基石:教育,研究和服务. In 2004, the School was named in honor of a beloved Dean, Arthur A. Dugoni是一名活跃的志愿者、慈善家和学校的冠军.

McGeorge School Of 法律

紫色是法律的传统颜色,在伊丽莎白时代,它代表贵族和奢侈,仍然是权力和野心的象征. 研究表明,人们还把紫色与智慧、尊严、独立和创造力联系在一起. Founded in 1924, McGeorge became a part of University of the Pacific in 1966.

Benerd College

浅蓝色是代表教育的传统颜色,这条横幅的宝蓝色领域代表了教育部门,这仍然是学院的核心部分,而深蓝色则表明学院还有更多的事情要做. 这所学校成立于1924年,当时是一所教育学院,当时大学搬到了斯托克顿,并为纪念慷慨的捐助者格拉迪斯·L .而更名. Benerd in 1993. 学校提供以前在1979年成立的大学学院管理的额外课程. 宝蓝色的横幅为所有学生和2019年的学校合并带来了光明的新未来.

托马斯J. Long School Of 药店

The green field depicts the pharmacy profession. 药店 was established as a school at Pacific in 1955. 在龙氏家族及其附属基金会的慷慨捐助下,该校于2001年正式命名.

School Of Engineering & Computer Science

橙色区域反映了美国教育委员会指定的工程学研究的传统学位颜色. 工程与计算机科学学院成立于1958年,其前身是太平洋学院的一个系,该系可以追溯到20世纪30年代.

Eberhardt School Of Business

The beige colors of business provide a background for this banner. The school was founded in 1977 and renamed in honor of Robert M. 埃伯哈特和埃伯哈特家族,以表彰他们和斯托克顿银行对太平洋银行的广泛而慷慨的支持.

School Of Health Sciences

传统上,鼠尾草绿色代表着专注于健康和康复的学位. 该学院成立于2020年,合并了以前由太平洋学院管理的课程, the Dugoni School and the 托马斯J. Long School of 药店.

The Order of Pacific is the highest award the University can give. The Order of Pacific is intended to honor members of the University regents, 教师, 多年来为大学提供卓越服务和作出杰出贡献的行政人员和员工.


单词 & Music by Lois Warner Winston COP '23

From o'er the rugged mountains standing high;
From Out the broad low valleys, 'neath the sky;
Our alma mater calls, We cannot fail,
Our voices blend in praise, Pacific Hail! Pacific Hail!

Long may her flaming torch give out its light;
Long may her spirit guide us in the right;
To her we pledge our hearts, We dare not fail;
To her we raise our song,
Pacific Hail! Pacific Hail!

Pacific Hail!