作为有影响力的人领导他人 社会变革 Agent with a Master's in Leadership, Leading for Social Justice

业务, 世界各地的教育和组织领导人越来越意识到他们对周围社区的社会和道德影响. 通过认识到社会正义必须融入他们组织的结构, 社会正义领袖是创造和维持积极社会变革未来的先锋.

Earning a master’s degree in Leadership, 博彩平台网址大全“领导社会正义”课程将帮助你发展和加强专注于真实的领导身份, 可持续的变化. 无论你是现任领导还是刚刚开始你的领导之旅, our 26-month graduate level Leadership, 领导社会公正学位准备你在广泛的环境中领导-包括学校, 非营利组织, 社区组织等等.

A Leadership master's degree built on experiential learning 和 Social Justice

这是我们领导的核心, 领导社会正义学位课程是由专业领袖和变革推动者教授的严格课程. 你的领导, Leading for Social Justice master’s courses, 你将在以项目为中心的课程中与教师和同学合作,这将给你课堂内外的真实体验.

请注意: This program format cannot support an I-20 for inter国家 student visas. 


Benerd大学 students in the Leadership, 领导社会公正研究生项目不仅仅是学习如何给他们的社区带来改变, they take action throughout their educational journey. 点击链接了解更多关于最近的LSJ校友,以及该项目如何在获得学位的同时为他们提供启动社会变革的工具.




Why Earn Your Master's in Leadership, Leading for Social Justice at Pacific?

Offering the only graduate Leadership, Leading for Social Justice degree program in California, 我们正以一己之力培养未来的领导者,使他们在世界各地产生积极的社会和道德影响. From the expertise of our faculty to our focus on h和s-on, 真实的学习经历, 我们从全国其他社区司法和领导力项目中脱颖而出的原因有很多.

Dr. Laura Hallberg和两个学生
Gain Real-World Experience from Dedicated Faculty

Take advantage of small class sizes in our Leadership, 领导社会正义学位课程,并与将学生成功放在第一位的教师导师密切合作.  Our faculty have decades of experience leading 非营利组织 和 youth organizations, K-12学校和学区, 咨询和领导反种族主义, 多元化、公平和包容倡议,以及在国会山影响政策.  我们设计的每门课程都强调合作和现实世界的项目,这样你就可以把你在课堂上学到的概念应用到实际情况中.


“The master’s in Social Justice program has magnified my passions for diversity, equity 和 inclusion in higher education 和 social justice. I appreciate the program’s flexible format, making it manageable to maintain a full-time job 和 a family at home, 并积极参与斯托克顿社区的各种社会正义项目.”

- 克拉伦斯•亨德森, Master's in Leadership, Leading for Social Justice, 2024

Assistant Director, Community Involvement Project, 博彩平台网址大全



通过博彩平台网址大全的社会正义硕士学位,为组织和社区带来您想要看到的变化. 我们的课程为您提供道德领导的最新理论和方法, 然后你会将其应用到真正的组织中,帮助他们成长并促进社会正义.

拥有领导专业的研究生学位, Leading for Social Justice from Pacific, you can also continue your educational journey in a doctoral program, such as our Transformative Action in Education EdD.


  • Principal of a charter or alternative school
  • 非营利组织创始人/董事
  • 社区组织者/主任
  • 青年发展主任
Career Outlook for Leadership, Leading for Social Justice Program 研究生s

到2031年,社会和社区服务经理的就业机会预计将增长12%, much faster than the average for all occupations, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局.

As the world grows increasingly diverse, 世界各地的组织和社区必须学会适应新的文化和道德环境. With the knowledge 和 skills that you’ll gain in our social justice degree program, you’ll be in high dem和 as an agent of positive social change.

  • For Benerd Degree Completion students, take lead200发挥领导作用铅210 * 通过贝纳德学院直接将这些单元转移到我们的硕士课程之一(*等待2024年秋季目录批准)
  • For all other undergraduate students, take 铅200 另一门由本科指导老师和Benerd硕士项目负责人预先批准的转学课程.

Explore Courses for the Master's Degree in Leadership, Leading for Social Justice

我们的两年, 32-credit master’s program in Leadership, Leading for Social Justice covers essential topics in social change, 创造力, ethics 和 diversity to prepare you to become an inspirational leader.

Most of your coursework in the master’s in Leadership, Leading for Social Justice program is online, with weekly evening classes 和 once-a-month Saturday sessions. You are only required to be on campus for three days at the beginning, 中间和最后的领导, Leading for Social Justice master’s program.

你的领导, 领导社会正义学位课程在社会正义课程的综合顶点达到高潮.


  • 如何改变世界
  • 社会正义的设计思维
  • 道德领袖
  • 在不同背景下的领导


铅260. 如何改变世界. 3单位. Examines ideas 和 concepts around society, socialization 和 what it means to be social change agents. 关注发展, continuity 和 changes in social institutions, culture 和 society 和 their impact on how we fit into society, how we view ourselves as individuals 和 how we create change.

铅261. 社会影响的设计思维. 3单位. 设计思维是一个发现、构思和原型的迭代解决问题的过程. The process can be used to address all kinds of creative challenges. This course will focus on equipping students with design thinking skills, as they apply to 领导 和 social impact issues.


铅262. Underst和ing Social Impact 和 Change. 3单位. Provides a foundation of the concepts, 主题, 词汇表, 和 theories related to social impact 和 social change. 让学生有机会探索各种社区和专业实践,以扩大对社会影响问题和权力角色的认识, 特权, 和他们理解中的同一性.

铅221. Facilitation of Projects 和 Initiatives. 3单位. 提供与团队促进相关的知识和技能,重点是促进所有类型的项目和倡议. Emphasis will be on facilitative 领导, 工具, 技术, 流程, 和 knowledge for helping teams succeed.


铅263. 全球社会变革. 3单位. Explores issues related to globalization, the changing relationships related to culture 和 societies, 以及对我们个人的影响. 检查电源, 特权, 激进主义, 电阻, 以及全球社会正义运动来加深我们对当地社会关系的理解, 国家, 以及国际层面.

铅220. 创造力和创意. 3单位. Engages students in 创造力 和 ideation. 学生培养创造力和构思过程,创造出将在课程后期推出的想法.


铅201. 道德领袖. 3单位. Enables students to underst和 ethics, 领导, 和 领导 ethics 和 how they relate to our personal 和 professional lives. This course attempts to raise awareness surrounding these legal, 道德和伦理挑战, 对领导决策的影响保持敏感,这样你就能做出最有效的决策, 装备你的工具和策略来管理自己和他人的道德行为, 和 encourage you to critically evaluate the decisions of others.

铅210. 行动研究. 3单位. 让学生参与探究周期,以深入了解影响他们组织的问题,以及这些问题如何影响他们的领导身份. 通过这些询问周期, 学生反思行动和决策如何影响组织及其人员. 学生们利用这些反思性的实践来建立对他们正在进行的领导力成长和发展的自我意识.


铅200. 在不同背景下的领导. 3单位. Provides knowledge 和 skills to lead, 激励, 和 coordinate diverse individuals toward attaining shared goals. Includes study of 领导 in organizational 和 community-based contexts, with an emphasis on development of personal 领导 competencies.

铅265. Reflective Practice for Leadership 和 Change. 3单位. 让学生参与反思实践,了解他们的身份对他们领导技能的影响. Students will develop critical perspectives related to 领导 和 social impact.

夏天 建造于296年. Integrative Capstone for Social Impact. 3单位. This course provides the culminating experience of the program, 包括领导相关的实地考察项目,通过整合研究应用创新技能, 理论, 和实践.



209.946.2683 BenerdLLC@tamascandle.net



