的声音 的学生

Associated Students of the 博彩平台网址大全 (ASuop) is the governing student body that is responsible for advocating and working on behalf of student concerns. 造福学生, ASuop Government maintains close working relationships with the Division of 学生生活 and partnerships around the Stockton Community. ASuop Government has three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. 的se three branches work together to ensure that the student's voice is heard in university governance, supply essential and valuable service to the ASuop members, and provide the opportunity to be involved in student life at Pacific.

艺术 & 娱乐

艺术 & 娱乐 is the premier programming board at Pacific. 规划音乐会, 讲座, 节日, 系列电影, 以及去加州不同地区的校外旅行. 艺术 & 娱乐 offers a comprehensive calendar of events and activities for the Pacific community. Comprised of a Director and an event planning staff, 艺术 & 娱乐 works consistently to make student life at Pacific the best experience possible. 我们的使命是增强社会, 文化, and educational aspects of student life while expanding student's knowledge and building leadership skills. 艺术 & 娱乐 is dedicated to producing unique and original events for a diverse audience. 我们是建筑师,我们是生产者. All of our energy, direction, and imagination are focused on the process of moving you.


ASuop's 战略营销 team is comprised of graphic design, Prowl TV and One Word Photography. 的 team is responsible for much of the marketing work you see around campus. We do posters, banners, t-shirts, social media filters, and everything in-between. Our services are free to students, so feel free to submit a work order. Our services are also available to University departments at an hourly rate. 



的 executive branch is chaired by the elected 总裁和副总裁 of ASuop. 的y are both responsible for representing the student body in various ways. 的 duo meets monthly with the University President and biweekly with 副总统 of 学生生活. 的y both sit on a number of committees to represent the perspectives of students.


的 ASuop 内阁 is comprised of the Directors of each department, 委员们, 参谋长, 副总统, 由总统领导. 的 内阁 handles the day-to-day activities of ASuop and serves as the primary advisory body to the President on matters concerning students.

Annual funding is distributed to groups who provide valuable campus-wide services. 的 Annual Budget Allocation process is a process of allocating funds towards annually funded groups for the upcoming school year. 的 process takes place at the end of each school year.

的 Student Finance Board is responsible for allocating Semi-Annual funds to semester-funded student organizations (the Student Finance Board is an annually funded group composed of the ASuop Treasurer, 参议员暂时, 参议院三名参议员). 的 Semi-Annual Budget is split into three types of funding: Semi-annual, 应急, 及会议经费. Semi-annual and 应急资金 are both reserved for semi-annual groups, 即注册的学生社团和组织.

除了分发半年度资金, the Student Finance Board sets aside money each semester to create a 应急 Fund. Clubs and organizations may request additional funding for events during the semester even though they already participated in the semi-annual funding process, however they are not able to request the same line items that they received funding for already. 的 requests will be heard on a case-by-case and first-come, 标间. New registered student organizations that were formed after 半年一次的资金 was dispersed are encouraged to submit requests for 应急 funding.

从半年度拨款, there is money set aside to fund students and student organizations who are interested in experiential learning (going abroad, 参加专业会议或会议), 这种类型的资金被称为会议资金. A Conference funding request may be turned in at any time, but hearings and funding will be held on a first-come, 标间. 会议经费是以偿还方式支付的, which means the student(s) must pay out of pocket unless an arrangement is set up with the Business Manager. 学生可以获得高达75%的奖励. Please keep in mind other sources of funding because ASuop cannot guarantee all requests will be funded.

All types of funding requests have a funding hearing associated with the request. 的 funding hearing is a requirement to receive funding from ASuop. Each hearing is 10 minutes long: 3 minutes for the presenters to explain their request, and 7 minutes of questions and answers on behalf of the funding board. 你也可以与财务主管单独会面, but the Student Finance Board is allowed to request a hearing. Only 3 presenters are allowed to speak and present during the hearing, 须由贵区域组织的财务主管出席, but more representatives are welcome to sit in on the hearing. If any requestors fail to show up at their chosen hearing date and time, their request is subject to the funding board's discretion to be considered for minimal allocation