你想要发现你的 潜在的?


如果你想保护社会, 探索地球, 了解环境, 在你的社区或世界各地工作, 你属于地质与环境科学系. Our department takes a broad view of the Earth and offers courses that develop a scientific understanding of our planet, 它的历史, 自然系统, 资源和最近的全球变化. We offer rigorous degree programs in 地质 and 环境科学 that will prepare you for successful careers. Students in our department are immersed in experiences driven by our hands-on approach to learning.


We build outdoor experiences into every class and facilitate abundant domestic and international travel opportunities. 虽然许多这些旅行探索迷人的地方遍布加州, 我们还提供探索世界各地更广泛地点的旅行. 我们的专业学生前往一系列地区和国际目的地, 包括苏格兰, 智利巴塔哥尼亚, 夏威夷, 科罗拉多高原, 以及北美西海岸的许多地方. Many of our majors work closely with faculty on award-winning re搜索 projects that can take students to exotic geologic locales, 包括西爱尔兰, 日本, 纽约州北部古老的阿巴拉契亚山脉, 马绍尔群岛和高高的内华达山脉.

环境科学非常重要. 无论是保护环境,环境正义还是回收利用... 这一切都是正当的,都需要为之奋斗.


拿一个 积极的作用 在你的教育中

我们强调积极,动手,面向实地的方法来研究地球. 除了我们的动态课程, our department provides unparalleled student re搜索 opportunities and our students routinely publish their results. 我们还提供各种各样的外展和服务机会和经验.


地质学是一门实践性很强的职业, 这是杰西在太平洋教育中最珍视的经历. 有趣的实地考察, small class sizes and frequent collaboration with peers and professors have contributed to the high marks he gives to the 地质与环境科学系 at Pacific.


Our students organize and lead two clubs with地质与环境科学: the Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Geoscience honor society) and the Pacific Geocentric Society.  虽然他们的活动是不同的, they share a common goal: to change the way we think about the world around us and to have a great time doing it.

职业生涯 地质与环境科学

Geological and Environmental scientists investigate Earth's mysteries while promoting a clean environment, 减少自然灾害的影响,为现代生活提供资源. Many of our graduates continue their education in top-tier graduate schools or pursue successful and lucrative careers in a wide range of fields, 包括政府, 岩土工程或环境咨询, 法律, 医学和公共政策.

Geological and environmental scientists travel widely and work in urban and rural environments studying earthquakes, 山崩及洪水. Some geological and environmental scientists 搜索 for energy and mineral resources, 而其他人则在研究生院教书, 社区学院和大学. As re搜索 scientists, they work to further our understandings of the dynamic planet around us.


莎拉·郭(莎拉·郭)一直在寻找一种方式来关注社会正义. She graduated with a degree in environmental science and now works for the California Department of Public 健康.


我们提供一系列学位选择,以支持高需求的职业道路. 让我们的学生更有竞争力, 我们的课程也整合了以职业为导向的专业发展, including leadership training and advanced certifications in wilderness first aid and defensive driving. 

Our students can select from the following concentrations when they pursue a degree in geological and environmental sciences:

This concentration prepares you for graduate study or professional employment in geology. Students earning a Bachelor of Science in geology can obtain competitive jobs in a number of geoscience areas, 包括岩土工程咨询, 他们在哪里评估地质灾害和环境影响.

说到职业,地球科学家有很多选择. 他们发现并开发石油等自然资源, 天然气, 矿物质, 金属, 和地下水. 他们就能源和能源政策的未来向决策者提供建议. Geoscientists are central to solving the looming water crisis predicted with population growth. 他们与其他科学家合作,帮助保护和清洁我们的环境. They save lives by figuring out ways to protect people from natural disasters like floods, 山体滑坡, 火山, 地震和海啸.

Other career paths include working as a geologist involved with the exploration and production of fossil fuels and other important mineral resources. An increasing emphasis on environmental issues and growing demand for natural resources, 除了最近地球科学的退休模式, 是否对训练有素的地球科学家产生了相当大的需求. 根据美国地质研究所, Masters and PhD-level geoscientists have experienced effectively zero unemployment during the past 20 years.

This concentration is designed to provide you with the practical skills and knowledge required to critically evaluate environmental problems and issues and provide applied solutions. The major is interdisciplinary and focuses on the underlying natural processes relating to the environment as well as understanding and employing the scientific method. The need for broadly trained scientists in the area of environmental science is critical and the understanding of the importance of this field provides many employment opportunities.

Students of environmental science learn how the physical and biological processes that shape the natural world interact. They also look at how we affect nature and come up with solutions to environmental problems. 环境科学需要创造性和激情的方法, 综合了物理学基本知识和技能的学科, 化学, 和生物学.

A Bachelor of Science in 环境科学 can lead to numerous employment opportunities with many different agencies and areas. Typical employment could involve working for consulting firms performing environmental restoration, producing environmental impact studies for both governmental agencies and private firms, 以及其他重要的生物服务. Other types of employment can be found with regulatory agencies seeking to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and 法律s, 与环境律师事务所合作, 或者公共卫生机构.

The accelerated Environmental 法律 Advantage program allows students interested in a career in 法律 to complete both a 地质与环境科学学士学位 and a JD 法律 degree in a total of six years, 保证被麦克乔治大学的法学博士录取, 假设学生达到成绩标准.


如果你想有资格在中学阶段教授地球科学, you should complete the Single Subject Credential 地质与环境科学. Ask you adviser or the department chair for information on specific course requirements.  关于其他证书要求,你应该咨询贝纳德学院的教员.


The Pac诺伊斯博彩平台网址大全排名 Program provides scholarships and other support for STEM majors at Pacific who become teachers in high-needs school districts, 比如斯托克顿.

你可能有资格获得价值高达13美元的罗伯特·诺伊斯教师奖学金,750元/年, 大三学生和大四学生的票价为20美元,硕士/教师资格证书的最后一年.




地质学系 & 环境科学
209.946.2481 lkfox@tamascandle.net
